Looking for a fashion job not an internship? Find the best fashion jobs @ FashionJobs.co!

How it Works

For Interns

Simply login using your email address, and you will be able to instantly upload your resume and begin applying to internships. Account options include cover letter, resume, and application management, as well as the history of internships you've applied to. Most applications are free, and those marked #TRENDING are $3 per application.

Concerned about the legitimacy of our fashion internship listings? Check out this Fashionista article about how top celebrity stylist Wayman scored his first internship using FreeFashionInternships. Or, click here to read about how fashion designer Christian Siriano hired an intern using FreeFashionInternships who is now his Director Sales. Forbes, WhoWhatWear, and Bustle have all named us one of the top websites for internships.

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For Companies/Brands

Create an account by clicking on the sign up button located in the upper right-hand corner of the main page. Fill out the form using a company-issued email address, or your account will be deleted. Once submitted, you will be able to post your internship listings instantaneously. Thousands of candidates will be able to view your listings and submit their resumes through the website, keeping your inbox free of applicant emails and your contact information private. Basic posts start at $34.99 for a 30 day listing.

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